"Men Maintaining Good Works For Necessary Uses"
(Titus 3:14)

Objectives of the Brotherhood
The objectives of the Alpa B'Eta Omega Messianic Brotherhood:
To build Jerusalem Campground, The Blessed Area, as a safe harbor for our families.
To strengthen the family by promoting the development of strong moral and religious character among males from infancy.
To prepare young boys for leadership with high Christian standards as they reach the Age of Accountability teaching fidelity, enhancing the fraternal spirit and preserving the chastity of women.
To provide positive role models and Christian mentors for young men entering adult life.
To refine and enhance the lives of adult brethren directed toward more responsible stewardship and constructive citizenship.
To support brethren in times of distress whether legal, financial or otherwise.
To work together for the common good.
The 14 Cardinal Virtues
A - Anointed
​Acts 6: 3-7, I Timothy 4:14
L - Longsuffering
​II Cor. 4:8-10
P - Patience​
James 1:4​
H - Honest
I Timothy 3:8-9​
A - Apostolic​
Acts 2:42​
B - Benevolent
Romans 12:13
E - Everlasting
​Matthew 24:13; I Corinthians 9:24-25
T - Temperate
Proverbs 25:28​
A - Authoritative
Genesis 1:26; Luke 10:19; Psalms 91:13
O - Obedient
Luke 11:28; Hebrews 13:17
M - Mighty
I Cor. 15:58; II Timothy 2:3-5
E - Established
II Chronicles 20:20; Psalms 37:23
G - Godly
Romans 12:1-2
A - Angelic
Hebrews 1:7; Psalms 104:4

Better Men, Better Sons, Better Husbands, Better Fathers.